‘National Writing Day, on the 23rd June, is an annual celebration of the power of writing creatively, inspiring people of all ages and abilities to try writing for fun and self-expression.
The Pagan Federation has its own writing projects which are designed to give a voice to those from our community who are not always heard. In keeping with the spirit of National Writing Day, why not try your hand at writing something and then share it with us.
So what makes me write and want to share it with others?
I plan on submitting a piece of my writing to the Disabled Pagan Voices Project. I had a stroke in 2017. I kept a little book by me while I was in hospital, and in the early days when I returned home. I scribbled down thoughts that were buzzing round my head. I described things that were happening around me. When my world had settled down a bit, I put this all together.
My stroke was not typical. So not typical that the paramedics refused to believe I’d had one. They advised me to take paracetamol for the headache. It was almost a week later that I had a proper diagnosis and was admitted to hospital. So I write to raise awareness.
In rehab, there were many of us with all sorts of problems. People were having physio to learn to walk again, speech therapy, relaxation and confidence building classes. These were great, but what I found really helpful was the time for conversation between the classes. The time when we shared the little problems that bugged us, shared the emotional chaos inside of us, how we dealt with the reactions of loved ones, and of those friends who drifted away. I write so people know they are not alone.
I write for the sheer joy of writing – and reading! When I first had the stroke, words were blurred, letters jumbled. I could write but I couldn’t read back what I had written. It took a while for me to regain that skill. I can still make mistakes now if I’m tired or lose concentration – sometimes with hilarious outcomes.
Everyone’s story is different, yet that very difference is a point that can unite people. Have a go. Write your story. Be proud.
The Disabled Pagan Voices Project showcases the creative work of people within the Pagan community with disabilities, their carers and their families.
The Raising Pagan Voices Project emerged from the Disabled Pagan Voices Project, with the intention of being inclusive towards the whole community.
We would love to hear from you.