Continuing our exploration of what celebration looks like in modern Pagan families, this is the next in our series of blogs from the Children & Families Team write about the traditions they have developed to celebrate the full moons of the year with their children aged 3 years and up, continuing with the May full moon.
Three Milkings Moon is with us, or in Old English “Þrimilcemōnaþ”. This is a period in which the cattle were historically so well nourished provided by the rapid growth of food in the pastures that they could be milked multiple times in a day. This abundance of food for the cattle, and subsequent abundance of nourishment for humans, was a time of much joy and the darkness of the winter was becoming a thing of the past.
Much work is happening in the garden at our household as the abundance of growth keeps us on our toes… The lawn, the plants, the vegetables, and the shrubs all need attention currently if we wish to see the beauty of the flowers and a good harvest. Offerings are made to Ing/Freyr for continued growth and a bountiful reaping of the rewards of our efforts later in the year. As usual, the activities of garden work and offerings are easy to get the kids involved, especially my youngest who loves to get his hands dirty, albeit having little patience for the ‘growth’ part.
As Springtime slowly moves to Summer and the weather warms, our time outside is increasing which is fantastic. This brings fun, exercise, and the creation of memories to cherish. So… I guess we’re metaphorically milking each day for the joy and abundance wherever and whenever we can!
Northwest Liaison, Children & Families Team
There are many names for the May Full Moon including flower moon, fairy moon, hare moon, milk moon, corn planting moon and budding moon but in our house it is referred to as blossoming moon as the hawthorn is blooming in our area as too are our apple trees which smell wonderful.
The moon will be honoured, and growth will be focused on as we have a lot of plants on the allotment, and we wish for them all to grow well.
Herbs and scents for the moon include rose, sandalwood, mint, mugwort, thyme, yarrow, apple blossom and magnolia and we will often collect windfall blossom to dry.
As for lunar gardening the full moon is in Scorpio so our task is to plant out crops, transplant and graft. The full moon for 2022 is on May 16th and it also happens to be a lunar eclipse and a blood moon but will only be really visible for North America.
Mid-West & Wales Liaison, Children & Families Team