Continuing our exploration of what celebration looks like in modern Pagan families, this is the next in our series of blogs from the Children & Families Team write about the traditions they have developed to celebrate the full moons of the year with their children aged 3 years and up, continuing with the June full moon.
There are many names for the June Full moon including Strawberry moon, Mead moon, Hot moon, Strong Sun moon and Rose Moon to name some. My family know this moon as Rose moon as we have scented roses in the garden that come into bloom at this time of year. We will harvest these roses later to make a wonderful smelling pot pourri.
This moon for us is all about roses and this year we’ve added fairies. We’ve decided to make little fairy dolls, just simple peg ones as they don’t take too long. Once finished our fairies will sit on the windowsill all night to absorb the full moons energy. We shall toast the moon with a glass of water and burn rose incense in her honour.
Other herbs, flowers, and scents other than roses that are associated with June are meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, almond, dill, lily, clover, lemongrass, lily of the valley, lavender, and honeysuckle. Our moon gardening activity will be weeding which is much needed at this time of year with the explosion of growth.
Mid-West & Wales Liaison, Children & Families Team
June brings a full moon in Sagittarius on the 14th, activating the axis of knowledge and wisdom. It’s a time for being open and curious, for seeking out and sharing new ideas. It’s a lovely moon to celebrate with the family as children and young people are so curious naturally. Sagittarius is a fiery, active sign, making this full moon a great time to get out and explore, maybe to visit somewhere new or spend some time outside enjoying the long light days. It’s also a great full moon for getting together with friends and likeminded folk, and indeed folk who maybe don’t share our ideals or opinions – we can learn something from everybody (even if it’s how we don’t want to live!).
Gemini is an air sign and for me, Gemini season (when the Sun is in Gemini, as it is for this full moon) is all about flying creatures – I’m obsessed with watching the swifts and looking out for butterflies right now. We might celebrate this full moon with a trip to our nearest RSPB reserve. This time of year is also a great time to do a biodiversity survey, honouring the Sagittarius Gemini dynamic of multiplicity. Even in our tiny city garden we always find a surprising number of creatures when we do this – give it a go!
London District Liaison, Children & Families Team