Thanks for joining us for another Families’ Deity! We’re exploring deities that tie into families and family values, or who are important to the family unit or children in some way. This month, we are exploring the lucky God, Fortuna
Who is Fortuna?
Fortuna is the Roman goddess of fortune and luck and, as such, is associated with the fortunate aspects of life, including parenthood. She was extremely popular and remained so until the Renaissance period. Even when Christianity was dominating Fortuna remained influential and was renamed Lady Luck.
She is depicted as being either blind or veiled, is featured in many works of art and her popularity can be seen in the many temples and inscriptions dedicated to her, with evidence of her worship reaching as far as Scotland.
Her celebration is in the festival of Fors Fortuna on June 24th but she had many aspects to her. June 11th was the day assigned to her Fortuna Annonaria aspect where she protected grain supplies and brought the luck of the harvest.
She also had the aspect of Primigenia as the fortune of the first-born child, Redux to bring a person home safely, Faitrix as the fortune of life in general and Huiusce Diei as the fortune of the present day.
Why is Fortuna one of our family deities?
Fortuna is included in the family pantheon for her connection with lucky events, as with parenthood and she is relevant in today’s society. We say good luck in many situations and wish for good fortune whether exams, news or weather.
Honouring Fortuna
To honour Fortuna, you could celebrate her festival on June 24th, include her in your daily ritual, ask for her assistance or dedicate an altar to her.
Fortuna Correspondences
The Wheel of the Year
Ship’s rudder
Bookmark our blog to follow our series on Families’ deities and share your own experiences or insights into Fortuna on our Children and Families Facebook group!