Community Support
Our team is headed up by the very lovely Sam Stoker…..
Sam is ably assisted by their two deputies:

Dan Coultas
Dan has recently stepped down from the main Community Support Officer Role but has remained as Deputy to Sam.
Dan is also Chair of Pagan Aid, General Secretary for Asatru UK and is a huge contributor to the Pagan community.
He’s wrote several books, including Heathenry and the Sea, The Gods’ Own County and Yorkshire ‘Av’Mal.

Angela Langrick
I’m now retired after being a Pagan Prison Chaplain for years and having to give up due to ill health back in 2019. I am keeping busy with supporting our lovely CSO and Deputy CSO; Volunteering with one of the local colleges as Pagan Chaplain; and also volunteer pagan faith practitioner in a multifaith organisation doing school/college road-shows, as well as do my bit with regards to my local community.
I have been pagan most of my life even though I didn’t realise it until back in the late 1990s after following a number of faith roads that finally led me into Witchcraft.
I didn’t think I liked cats (more a dog person) until my small furry companion found his way into my home and heart.
There are currently eight community support teams. We all specialise in a particular area of life that you might need support with in one way or another. Our remit is to help bridge those gaps, find the issues and find ways to work with them so that you are better served and supported in accessing the Pagan Community.
You can find our more about our teams, meet their hard working members, find resources and get all the latest news and blogs below…….